It's Friday, But Sunday's Coming: Hope in the Midst of Darkness

Every Good Friday I think about and often listen to this classic sermon from S.M. Lockridge. His meditation follows the cadence, “It’s Friday … but Sunday’s coming.” Here’s a brief excerpt:

It’s Friday

The disciples are running

Like sheep without a shepherd

Mary’s crying
Peter is denying

But they don’t know

That Sunday’s a comin’

It’s Friday

The Romans beat my Jesus

They robe him in scarlet

They crown him with thorns

But they don’t know

That Sunday’s comin’

It’s Friday

See Jesus walking to Calvary

His blood dripping

His body stumbling

And his spirit’s burdened

But you see, it’s only Friday

Sunday’s comin’

Friday. The day Jesus, the source of hope, the bringer of light, is nailed to a cross. The disciples are scattered, fear gripping their hearts. Even the sky seems to weep, shrouded in darkness. "It's Friday," whispers despair.

But wait. Listen closely. Do you hear a faint echo? A distant promise? It's a whisper, a murmur, but it grows stronger with each passing word: "Sunday's Coming."

This isn't just any Friday. This Friday is a turning point, a hinge of history. It seems like darkness has won, like evil reigns supreme. But appearances can be deceiving. The story isn't over. Sunday's coming.

Remember the disciples, their faith shaken? They didn't know it then, but Sunday would bring a resurrection, a victory over death itself. They didn't see the bigger picture, the divine plan unfolding even in this darkest hour.

As Paul Tripp put it the most horrible thing that ever happened was the most wonderful thing that ever happened.

We, too, face our own Fridays. Times of loss, of doubt, of feeling utterly abandoned. But just like the disciples, we must hold onto the promise, the unwavering truth: Sunday's Coming. We can face those metaphorical Fridays because of the historic Easter Sunday. Jesus’ resurrection was not just His victory over death and the grave. It transforms our dead-end circumstances as well. Easter offers …

  • Hope in the Midst of Despair: When darkness threatens to consume us, Sunday reminds us that light will pierce through. It's a beacon, a promise that brighter days are ahead.

  • Faith Beyond Understanding: We don't always have all the answers. But Sunday reminds us to trust in a higher power, a plan even grander than we can imagine.

  • Perspective in Our Pain: Friday's suffering feels unbearable, but Sunday reminds us that it's not the end. There is purpose in the pain, a path leading to something greater.

So, this Friday, don't let despair win. Cling to the whisper, the promise. Hold fast to the truth: Sunday's Coming. It may not come when we expect it, but it will come. And with it, hope will be renewed, faith will be strengthened, and light will conquer the darkness.

With You;
Pastor Tim


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