The Joy of Children in Our Church: Building Faith Today, Not Just Tomorrow

Have you noticed the joyful energy of children buzzing around our church lately? It's not just you! From nursery giggles to preteen chatter, it seems every week brings more young faces to our community. This is a blessing, filling our halls with life and laughter.

Whitney Houston sang, "I believe the children are the future." But she missed something crucial: children aren't just the future of our church, they are the church of today. Our role isn't simply preparing a future environment for them to grow into faithful adults. We have a vital goal: to help them become active members of our church right now, offering them opportunities to deepen their faith and connect with God.

This past week, our council discussed the need for new youth programs. My hunch is that many of you have been praying for God to send young families our way. In His grace, God has been answering those prayers. We believe He might have also sent us some incredible volunteers. Are you someone who could dedicate a few nights per month to mentor kids, organize games, or prepare snacks?

Some of my closest friendships blossomed in high school youth group. I found myself alongside supportive mentors, engaging in service, worship, and Bible study, even if I initially felt intimidated. As we navigated the ups and downs of teenage life, these connections became a core part of who I am today.

That's what I long for our children, and truly, for every age group in our church. From seniors to singles, divorcees to young families, everyone is welcome and valued. However, this message focuses on our precious young people.

Many in our church have been praying for new families to join us, and what a joy it was to see our full parking lot last Sunday! There wasn’t an empty stall! As one member remarked, "I've been praying for this for years!" Thank you for your faithful prayers and unwavering dedication. God works in mysterious ways, but He always chooses to work where His son lives within us.

Now that God seems to be answering our prayers through new families and children, could He also be calling you to play a role in shaping their lives?

Our leadership is actively seeking God's guidance for these young families. If you have any interest in helping, even a tiny spark of an idea, please don't hesitate to reach out! I have a strong feeling that God has already equipped our church with the people, resources, and creativity to ignite a faith journey for this emerging generation. We just need to fan those sparks into flames, allowing God to work through His faithful people.

If this vision excites you as much as it does me, let's connect and build a team together! I can't wait to see what God does next in our vibrant, growing church family.

With You;
Pastor Tim


Eclipse of Kingdoms (Part 1) Introducing the Already / Not Yet


“A Little Jesus Goes A Long Way”